Monday, December 07, 2009

Pointsettias in Oaxaca's Zocalo
The weather in Oaxaca is still very warm, about 30C at mid-day.

The calla lillies and other plants have all been dug up in the Zocalo and replaced with poinsettias.

It's quite a sight, and there was no way I can take a photo of all the poinsettias.

I've purchased most of the gifts for my children. They aren't really my children, but I've bonded pretty well with the children I teach. They are so respectful and wanting to please. Thanks to them, and thanks to their Spanish teacher who consistently reminds them to pay attention to "maestra de ingles." And, thanks to my Canadian teacher training which I'm able to apply here in Mexico.

My family in British Columbia is as turmbulent as ever. I can't wrap the gifts I've sent to them and so my eldest granddaughter will do so when they arrive at her end.

The people of Oaxaca seem to love marching in the street. I've seen parties of celebration, complete with a band and a flat bed truck from which to get more booze to fill plastic cups, I've seen protests for various and assorted reasons, and I've seen religous marches that are going on for some reason I know nothing about. There's always something happening.

I've formed a writer's circle. We gather once a week. Some members are published authors, and some are not. Oaxaca is a community of artists.

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