The couple that accompany me have a smart phone with a map.
I will buy, out of necessity, a smart phone when I'm in Lucca ~ more about that
another day ~ but for now I depend on this couple whose phone isn't as smart as
they seem to think it is.

This is all perfectly fine, they are pleasant companions and
we discuss rent. How much rent people pay for the space they have is my
favorite New York topic.
In front of a
washroom in The Ramble there is the bench Marcia described. I say goodbye to my
companions. I take my Kindle out of my handbag. I begin reading and waiting for
Marcia. I'm a little early. She will be a little late and apologetic for her
negligible lateness.
Marcia, a microbiologist and medical researcher, has a
passion for life. Today she has forgotten her peanut butter sandwich. Generally,
she feeds the squirrels, pigeons and any other creatures in the woods that
happen to come along.
We sit in a well-wooded area of Central Park. She is
preoccupied with prions, which are small particles responsible for various
diseases. I nod my head, momentarily understanding what she is saying, but know
I won't remember a darn thing in a minute or two.
We wander to the lake where people can rent boats. She takes
a photograph of me on the bridge. We visit Whole Foods where we have lunch.
Whole Foods is a food chain that has apparently taken New
York by storm and is threatening the little neighborhood grocers who have so
long held a monopoly. I marvel at the freshness of the fruits and vegetables, and
the cleanliness and brightness of the store. I long for such a place in Mexico.
After lunch we hop a bus. My next stop will be 230 5th
Avenue, which supposedly, offers one of the best views in the world. Obviously
this is not a place Marcia would frequent. She tries to talk me out of going. A young woman on the bus
gives us a description of the bar. The more the young woman talks the more
distasteful the bar becomes to Marcia.
I do not plan to pay for a trip up the Empire State Building
or visit Top of the Rocks at Rockefeller Center. A bar offering a great view
may work. Besides, this is one of the places that was recommended by my friend
I ride the elevator to the top of the building, look at the
view, order a glass of wine, quickly drink it, and leave. Everyone is in
groups, and there is no place for a single person to sit and I'm out of place.
The view was nice.
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